So my previous camera was a Canon Powershot S45. It was a compact 4 megapixel camera that had essentially the same guts as the Canon Powershot G3, just with a compact camera lens and flash (the G3 is a full body model).
Well, you will notice that I keep refering to the camera in the past tense. This is because at some point and time it was either lost or stolen. I won’t get into the specifics of it, but needless to say I have scoured the earth for my camera and can’t find it. So here I am with no camera.
So I’ve been looking at a camera to replace the missing S45 with. Anyone who knows me knows that when I research something I get pretty deep into the ins and outs of it. This is what landed me with the S45 in the first place. That same type of research has lead me to two potential candidates to replace it: The Nikon D50 and the Canon EOS 350D.
Now the Nikon seems to fall to the Canon in almost every comparison, except for two things. First, I have yet to see how either camera feels in my hands. This is an important thing, especialyl when talking about full body cameras that aren’t quite as “pickup and go” as a compact camera. Second is because both cameras are SLR, I am really buying into a specific system more than just the camera itself. As I buy additional lenses for the camera, that pretty much ties me to that manufacturer for future cameras unless I am able to unload the lenses for a good price.
So far I am undecided, though currently leaning a little bit more to the Canon. Hopefully I will have a decision made soon and can buy one and get some new pictures up.
And yes, in case you were wondering, I have all the pictures up on the gallery that I currently have (at least that I want to put up). I have no newer pictures than what is currently there, thanks to losing my camera.