Funny thing about seasons: Since the late 18th century, when we hear the word seasons we often equate that to…
Want is a funny thing. We often spend much of our life wanting, and not wanting. We want the onion…
I imagine most of us have complicated histories with religion. Whether it was at one point trying to find the…
We’re told from the very time we start going to places on our own, that is without our parents accompanying…
Being truly vulnerable is both scary and humbling. Relating stories from the past where things went badly for me due…
Everyone faces challenges. Even the luckiest or most talented people in the world face their own unique challenges daily, weekly…
One idea I’ve struggled with regularly over the past many years, possibly even decades, is how to approach turbulent times…
I was recently at a fast food counter when something peculiar happened. The service was what one might expect the…