Man.. recently it feels like when I leave one job I just head right to the next and then the next and then the next and so on. There are currently many things going on, almost too many to cover.

Where to begin. The fish tank has a serious diatom problem. Diatoms essentially look like brown algae, but aren’t algae. I have been told by many people that it is a normal process of cycling the tank, but in the meantime it looks awful. If I actually had time this weekend I would clean at least the glass of the tank, though where I’ll get that time rom is beyond me. In the meantime I figure I’ll give it another week or so before throwing in the towel and just cleaning it. Maybe it’ll be cycled by then and take care of itself on its own.

Annie is doing wonderful. She is potty trained now (haven’t had an accident in over a week) and is just a wonderful dog. Her and I had to grow to love each other, but we have and I look forward to laying down on the couch after a long day and her jumping right on top of me and laying down right on my chest. Charlie and Lucy have never done that. Charlie prefers to lay off some place on his own where he can stretch out. Lucy wants to be nestled in between your legs. So it all works out. She hasn’t grown that much so far, so how big tall she will end up is still anyone’s guess.

Yeah, these are actually all the updates you get at this very second. I plan on making some more before I go to bed. Some very big news in there as well as my thoughts on Superman Returns.

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