Apollo Westphal

by Eric

Today we are saying goodbye to, objectively, the greatest dog to ever live.

I was lucky enough to come into his life 4 years ago when his mom and I hit it off. As incredible as our relationship started and continues to this day, it was Apollo who made every moment even more memorable. He rarely pushed his way into attention or activity, just epitomizing gratitude, happiness and joy, and it was ever-present in every moment he was a part of.

I had heard stories from before we met. When he took care of her during recoveries. When he escaped from a yard, scared by fireworks, and she chased him wearing an ankle brace/boot. When he destroyed various things during his puppy phase. By the time we met he had worked those handful of moments out of his system, and was quite simply the dog everyone pictures when they imagine going to get a dog.

One of my favorite memories of him, which is nearly impossible to choose from, is one of the early times his mom and I were playing fighting and he snarled at me while half lunging toward me, determined to protect her from my imminent threat.. yet on the other side there is every time he snuggled up to me on the couch, looked to play, or otherwise showed he loved me. He always was abundant in showing his love and gratitude for me, but we knew which one would be saved first if our house were on fire.

It has been an absolute honor to take care of him this past year as things became more difficult for him. It is but a very modest mirror of the love he has given me over the last 4 years and the love he has given J over his entire life.

Everyone thinks they have the greatest dog ever, and they are all right. For us, Bubs is our greatest dog ever.

Bubber, you will be missed and celebrated for the rest of our lives.

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